Course Overview

Achieve certification with our CompTIA Cloud+ Training at TBC.

Whether you’re an IT professional seeking to enhance your cloud skills, a systems administrator aiming for a comprehensive understanding of cloud technologies, or anyone looking to advance in cloud computing, this course is for you.

Our ‘CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Training’ covers key cloud concepts, deployment models, security, and troubleshooting. You’ll gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience to confidently take the certification exam.

Completing this course not only boosts your cloud computing expertise but also adds a valuable credential to your résumé. Imagine being recognized as a cloud expert, driving efficiency and innovation in your organization.

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Course Breakdown

  1. Explain cloud architecture and design concepts.
  2. Implement and maintain a secure cloud environment.
  3. Successfully provision and configure cloud resources.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to manage operations throughout the cloud environment life cycle using observability, scaling, and automation.
  5. Apply fundamental DevOps concepts related to deployment and integration.
  6. Troubleshoot common issues related to cloud management.
  • Become proficient in the core aspects of cloud computing, from grasping deployment models and virtualization principles to addressing security concerns and resolving issues across leading cloud service providers.
  • Develop expertise in CPU technology, memory management, and migration strategies, enabling smooth operations and enhanced security in cloud environments, while implementing proactive measures and adeptly troubleshooting challenges.
  • Master the art of seamless cloud migration with comprehensive insights into the phases, characteristics assessment, system requirements analysis, and migration strategy determination.
  • Explore automation benefits, data transfer options, and storage migration essentials while honing your skills in testing, deployment issue anticipation, and project management principles.
  • Gain expertise in virtualized networking, subnet calculations, and network configuration across top cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP, ensuring you’re equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of cloud deployment with confidence and efficiency.   
  • Safeguard your cloud infrastructure with expert insights on identifying threats, implementing defense-in-depth strategies, and configuring allow and deny rules to fortify against common weaknesses, while ensuring seamless integration of company security policies and adapting security measures for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
  • Master authentication and authorization techniques, including secure password policies, multifactor authentication, and single sign-on, to navigate the account life cycle and mitigate authentication and authorization issues effectively across diverse cloud platforms.
  • Maximize your data management prowess by mastering the identification and classification of data types, understanding diverse on-premises storage techniques, and evaluating cutting-edge cloud storage technologies to optimize storage performance metrics.
  • Harness the power of object storage, file-system, and VM-attached storage services across AWS, Azure, and GCP while implementing robust backup strategies, including full, incremental, and differential backups, and leveraging data obfuscation techniques like encryption and tokenization to ensure unparalleled data protection in the cloud.
  • Elevate your cloud performance management skills by identifying monitoring requirements, configuring dynamic dashboards, and implementing effective monitoring, alerting, and notification techniques across AWS, Azure, and GCP environments.
  • Troubleshoot capacity limitations, recommend resource balancing techniques, and master disaster recovery strategies to ensure seamless business continuity planning, empowering you to navigate cloud fluctuations with confidence and efficiency.
  • Unlock the power of automation in the cloud by mastering common terminology, understanding the benefits of infrastructure as code (IaC), and categorizing popular automation tools to streamline maintenance tasks effectively.
  • Prioritize updates, implement patch management techniques, and fortify cloud security through automated processes, while analyzing the impact of automation on security and mitigating breakdowns in workflows, ensuring seamless and secure cloud operations.


Upon successful completion of a TBC Micro-credential, you’ll be awarded an interactive Moodle badge, acknowledging your achievement in completing the course and mastering new skills and competencies. This badge serves as a dynamic representation to your success, empowering you to showcase it across various platforms, including your LinkedIn profile, résumé, emails, and more, thereby elevating your professional standing.

This badge is interactive. Clicking on it grants viewers access to your comprehensive record, ensuring the authenticity of your training and enabling them to identify the skills you’ve acquired and the course content you’ve mastered.

Available Course Dates